It's Friday Fives over at Beth's....
This week, it's 5 people you would love to have dinner with, living, dead, fictional, whatever.
Are you wondering who this is? Why do I have a woman you probaby don't recognize at the top of my list??
This is Amy Butler, and she is a genius.

She designs the BEST fabric collections you have ever seen.They are modern, but have a vintage feel at the same time. They are the highest quality, and they coordinate in wonderful, unusual ways.

I would love to have dinner at her house (so I could snoop around).

This is her studio. It looks like she might be a neat freak, and you know how much I like that...
Or, I guess she could have cleaned up for the photo shoot. I prefer to imagine that it's always this perfect.

Now to swing a full 180 degrees from my favorite fabric designer...
Johnny Depp.

I had a poster of Johnny Depp on my wall in high school. I never missed 21 Jump Street.
All you twenty somethings may be wondering what the heck 21 Jump Street is.
I have a sneaking suspicion that he smells bad, but I would like to find out for myself.

I love politics. Whether you agree with Ronald Reagans views or not, you have to admit he was a smart guy. A wonderful speaker, he is the author of some of my favorite quotes. He was a politician that truly held America in high esteem. He lived up to the honor of being president, he wouldn't even remove his jacket while he was in the Oval Office. Wish he was in DC......
(If you want to send me nasty comments regarding this pick - go ahead - you won't change my mind)

I'll step off my soapbox to mention M. Night Shyamalan. I love every movie he has ever made, and I can't wait to see his new one.

Good ole' Martha. I don't really want to talk to her a lot. I mostly just want to challenge her to do some random crafty things, just to see if she's for real. Actually, I woud like to see her paint some furniture, make a clients baby gift, return emails, feed my 3 kids, take them to a their events, and clean my house from top to bottom. I have to do it, maybe Martha coud man-up. (or not)
I want lunch with Martha! So i can talk her into giving my apartment a make over!