Saturday, April 17, 2010

Chandelier Makeover

As I sat Lilly on the edge of her bed to get dressed, I noticed how sweet her little hands and feet looked. I begged her not to move ,(miraculously she didn't), and I ran for my camera.

Chubby hands, sweet little scraped up legs, and mary janes.
Those 3 things make me happy.

I'll get back to work now...
OK. Picture a really ugly, brass chandelier. My neighbor ,Melia ,brought one to me after reading the blog post here.

Melia could probably talk me into doing almost anything, because she makes the cutest custom clothes EVER, and she likes to trade. So, she got a chandelier makeover for her kitchen, and I got 2 precious outfits for Lilly.

This will hang in a kitchen that is black, white, and soft apple green.

I think she is going to add black/white check shades.

Please pardon the fact that it is hanging from my deck.
(Again, my sister is the photographer--I'm the painter :)

I'll post pictures of this once it is hung in it's new home down the street.

1 comment:

  1. Look at that sweet girl!! I love the shoes!

    The chandelier is cool, too.
